Computer Incident Response Center Luxembourg
since 19 Sep 2011
Fields describing the team
Team Details
Official Name | Short Name | Country |
Computer Incident Response Center Luxembourg | CIRCL | Luxembourg |
Established | Host Organisation | |
01 Jan 2008 | "security made in Letzebuerg" (SMILE) g.i.e. |
Constituency Type | Country of Constituency |
National | Luxembourg |
ASNs, Domains, IP ranges | Description of Formal Constituency |
2602 2602 3347 3347 5577 5577 6661 6661 6891 6891 8632 8632 9008 9008 12472 12684 12684 15780 15780 15814 15814 15965 15965 21179 21179 21484 24611 24611 24666 24903 25094 25094 25273 25273 25367 29467 29467 34638 34655 34683 34683 34769 34769 39773 41273 41273 41589 41589 42312 42848 42848 43375 44042 44295 44295 44708 44708 44818 47137 47137 47944 47944 48526 48744 48968 49624 49624 49813 49813 50144 50144 50546 50754 50754 50862 50862 51154 51405 51405 51497 51497 51966 51966 52036 52036 56665 56665 57205 57205 57231 57231 58049 58049 59872 60288 60288 60319 60391 60497 60497 60525 60752 61327 61327 62219 62285 62285 197264 197415 197692 197692 197869 197869 197925 198015 198095 198095 198097 198191 198191 198290 198290 199511 199524 200129 200129 200331 200331 201262 201441 201441 201710 201710 201740 201740 201973 201973 202134 202422 202438 202438 202623 203055 203055 203143 203143 203398 203398 203789 203789 203944 203944 204025 204025 204279 204279 204299 204299 204313 204403 204403 204506 204803 204803 205705 206283 206315 206450 206504 206504 206609 206610 206610 206815 207188 207188 207249 207845 207870 207908 207917 208374 208406 208730 209305 209333 209333 210145 210145 210196 210559 210632 211719 211999 212218 212568 212882 213183 213183 *.lu |
.lu TLD, Internet Public ASN and IP addresses located/originated and/or operating in/from the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg https://www.circl.lu/mission/rfc2350/#constituency |
Team Contact Information
Main Number | Emergency Number | Fax Number |
+352 247 88444 |
+352 247 88444 |
+352 274 00986698 (public) |
Other contact | Postal Address | |
info@circl.lu | - | CIRCL - Computer Incident Response Center Luxembourg c/o "security made in Letzebuerg" (SMILE) g.i.e. 122, rue Adolphe Fischer L-1521 Luxembourg |
Automated Reporting E-Mail | Autom. Rep. Supported Formats | |
info@circl.lu | - | |
Business Hours | Timezone | |
09:00 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 17:00 CET Monday to Friday | Europe/Luxembourg |
FIRST | Full Member since 22 May 2014 |
CERT-Verbund | Liaison since |
CERT.LU Community | Full Member since |
EU CSIRT Network | Full Member since |
Current State | Entry Date |
Accredited since 19 Sep 2011 |
21 Oct 2008 |
Date of Accreditation | Date of Certification |
19 Sep 2011 | - |
Date | Description |
19 Sep 2011 | CIRCL is now an accredited team |
31 May 2011 | CIRCL is now an accreditation candidate team |
21 Oct 2008 | CIRCL is now a listed team |